Endoscopy Profile of GERD Patients based on Los Angeles Criteria at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital Makassar
Nurul Azizah*, Fardah Akil
*Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar-Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: azizahsasa9@gmail.com
Background. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disorder marked by reflux of gastric contents to the esophagus that cause troublesome symptoms (esophageal and extra-esophageal). Based on epidemiological data, the prevalence of reflux causing inflammation of the esophagus/esophagitis through endoscopic examination in East Asia increased, from 3.4-5.0% before 2000, to 4.3-15.7% after 2005. This study aims to describe the comparison of the endoscopic findings in GERD patients.
Materials and methods. This study used secondary data from medical records. The sample population of this study was patients with GERD who underwent endoscopy procedure at the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital form 2017 to 2018 with a total sampling method that was in 78 samples. Cases of GERD were graded according to the Los Angeles classification.
Results. From the results of endoscopic examination of 78 samples diagnosed with GERD, we found the endoscopic features of GERD A which showed endoscopic results of gastroduodenitis was 43 patients (55%) in this case including superficial gastritis, erosive gastritis, pangastritis. The results of endoscopy showing ulcers in 2 patients (2%), other endoscopy features in 1 patient (1%). The combination of endoscopic gastroduodenitis with ulcers in 2 patients (2%) and gastroduodenitis with other endoscopic features showed in 15 patients (19%). in GERD B there were 9 patients (11%) who showed the results of endoscopic gastroduodenitis. The results of the endoscopy that showed an ulcer and other endoscopic features were 1 patient (1%). The combination of endoscopic gastroduodenitis with other endoscopic images was 5 patients (6%) and there were no patients who had gastroduodenitis endoscopy results with ulcers. In addition, other grades of GERD were not found in this study.
Conclusion. The discovery of the endoscopic feature based on the degree obtained, showed the most results finding in all grades studied was gastroduodenitis
Keyword: Endoscopic, GERD, Los Angeles Classification